I need a website

diseño web

You represent a small or medium company or you are independent and you don’t have a website, should you think about having one? Besides, you don’t have a website for a reason, you don’t know anything about the internet and you already have Facebook, Instagram, Linkedin, mail, do you need anything else? Generally yes.

Undoubtedly, you must first ask yourself about your needs, but grosso modo, today, a website is online presence, where the viewer, your potential client or contractor can see in a general way your products, your services or your work. But we are still in the same… you don’t know about internet, much less about programming, what is the first step?

The first step would be to understand that you need a name for your page and a place to deposit that name (domain and hosting) that you can buy from a company, with several steps that can be cumbersome; then upload to that hosting a website … we are still in the same, because you do not know the internet. An easy way to solve these problems is WordPress that dynamically manages any need and that, with very little investment you quickly solve a web page and gradually enrich and modify it to your taste and needs, all this without the need to rely on a web expert.

WordPress is a content manager, in other words it is an intuitive program that will help you make your website, whether we want to appear in type blog, portfolio of work or a virtual store. Its design is based on modules and sub modules (image) (text) (title) (caption) with predetermined designs and intuitively leads us to fill those spaces and guides us to feed the content as we would do with our social networks. So far we will have solved a basic web page either for personal or business use, with little investment and in a short time.

But if we want to go further and improve it, position it, accept payments, etc. there are ways to do it easily but now we recommend you to hire a web professional, because now we could talk about SEO and SEM positioning strategies, think about modifications to the templates that WordPress offers us using markup languages like HTML or CSS, or programming languages … but that’s a story for another topic. For now, you can focus on the recommendation we give you, it is true that there are many offers on the market to self-manage our website, but WordPress stands out from the others because it has community forums, training courses, its interface handles the most used programming languages, has constant updates, in short, it is undoubtedly the most robust option on the market.